Sunday 21 October 2012

10 Ways to Have Good Kids

Read your kids a story and teach through it
Kids love to hear stories. They like to learn through the characters in the stories. You can take this great opportunities to teach values to them. 

Set a good example to your kids
Remember to count on every things you want to do because your kids are watching you all the time. They learn mostly by imitation.


 Ask your kids questions on values whenever you have chance to         
You can do this anytime you come across with any situation. For example, during shopping or a walk in the garden with your kids. You can implant values on helping people,eg: the homeless by giving them some old clothes. They will realize the world needs good people to help the ones in need and they have the ability to do so.

Be Strong in your religion or faith.We must know that we're not alone, so must them. Be strong in their believe will strengthen them especially when they come across with difficulty in life or when they are weak.

Find good life teachers for your kids   
Get to know your child’s teachers, coaches, relatives and friends. They will influence your kids with their values and beliefs as well.  

    Talk to them as often as you can
    Good conversations is the key to good relationship with your kids and family members. Talk about anything and try to understand them. Don't turn your kids into listener only but stimulate them to have active feedback and their own opinions.You should spend these precious moments with your kids so that they will feel natural to talk to you regarding any matters.

    Sing songs with them                             Songs enable them to learn languages in a fun and natural way. They will appreciate the time you sing songs with them very much. This will not burden them at all.

    Don't depend too much to the media but create more hands on games and activities
    Kids need to expand their motor skills and thinking skills. You should make sure they get plenty opportunity to play indoor and outdoor games with you and their friends.Too much of television and digital games will limit their imaginations. They can't converse normally with anyone and they will not develop the skill to solve problems at all.To enhance the positive nature inside them, try more physical activities.

    Provide solutions when they ask for anything
    Don't turn them out when they need you. Scolding is a bad thing to do when they get into troubles. You should from very simple matter to big issues, brief and show them solutions. They will be able to learn them and can do them independently one day. 
    Have high expectations on your kids
    Cheer them up with positive moods when they failed. Have high expectations that they can do it and they will. Give them more chance to do things rather to keep them aside and make them so small. They can become super when they have the assurance from you.

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